Monday, May 17, 2010

7 Days & Counting!

Well, we've almost made it!  In exactly 7 days, our sweet Makenna Michelle Hendrix will be joining our family.  I am so incredibly thankful to our b/m for this wonderful gift.  Her sacrifice is monumental and Joel and I just feel so blessed that she chose us to provide a loving home and family to her baby.  Already having a child of my own, I can't imagine the emotional toll that this must take on a woman, to give her flesh and blood, to others, to raise and care for.  I know the loss of a child and my heart aches for her.  I can foresee a very emotional day, next Monday.  I pray that God watches over our b/m and continues to give her strength, peace, and comfort during this time.

"K" has her final doctor appointment today and I believe she and our caseworker will be meeting with the hospital social worker to finalize the adoption plan.  I hope to have more details to report after I speak with our caseworker this evening.

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