Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm finding it difficult...

not to buy up every cute little thing there is before the baby gets here.  I was on Old and found these:

The two dresses are for next year, but everything else is for this Summer.  I loved the swimsuit.  Everyone sing now... "It was an itsy bisty, teen weeny, yellow polka dot bikini...."  LOL!


  1. Hmmm....looks like I will be spending some time on today....shhhh don't tell Steven!!! I found someone on Ebay that would paint letters to match the bedding and she was VERY reasonably priced!!!!

    Brandi is having a boy! I'm going to go through the clothes she gave me....I think most of the smaller stuff will be too summery for when Ellie arrives. You are more than welcome to look through it. If you don't want anything we will just donate it to somewhere.....unless you know of someone else that could use it!

    Hope Joel survives his crazy week! We will get together next week!

    Love ya!

  2. My oh my!!!! What cute clothes! Girls are so much fun!!!!
